
NYC Taxi Trip Data Pipeline

Developed a data pipeline that processes and analyzes NYC taxi trip data from 2019 using Databricks,...

Wikipedia Information Retrieval System

Developed a information retrieval system that uses the vector space model to rank Wikipedia document...

Job Tracker App

Develop a full-stack web app using TypeScript React, Express, Node, and Postgres database that allow...

Portfolio Website

Created a website to highlight projects and person brand with React, TypeScript, and Styled-Componen...

Finding Features About New Galaxies with ML

Trained and tested 4 supervised machine learning models to predict 4 features of galaxy from a spect...

NYC Airbnb Listing Price Predictor App

Constructed a web application that predicts the listing price for an Airbnb listing in New York City

NYC Airbnb Listings Analysis

Analyzed data about the vacancy rates of Airbnb listings in NYC over a period of time from December ...

Emotion Detection Web App

Constructed a web application that predicts emotions within a piece of text using supervised machine...

Image Classification App

Developed a web application that classifies images of natural scenes around the world using Random F...

Reddit Client App

Created an interactive Reddit client application using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React.js to deepen...

Biodiversity in National Parks Analysis

Analyzed 2 datasets about species present across 4 national parks and find out more about the endang...

Manhattan School Districts Standardized Testing Analysis

Analyzed 2 datasets from NYC Open Data about the scoring of the math and english standardized test a...

Gym Website

Created an interactive website for a gym brand to illustrate and deepen HTML, CSS, and JavaScript sk...

Restaurant Website

Created a website for a fine dining restaurant to illustrate and deepen HTML and CSS knowledge, alon...

Life Expectancy and GDP Analysis

Analyzed a dataset containing life expectancy and GDP of 6 countries across the world with different...